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Why do you need marketing automation?

How to Use Marketing Automation for Your Modern Online Business? 

Welcome to the marketing automation revolution! Marketing automation is a software program that allows your marketing teams to automate repetitive tasks, track and optimize their marketing efforts. This article will explain what automation is all about, why it's an integral part of running a modern online business, successful examples of companies that have implemented a marketing automation solution, and examples of the best automation tools available today.

What is Marketing Automation?

"Marketing automation is the Amazonian user experience that we have come to appreciate and expect. It reduces friction and helps introduce us to solutions we seek and streamlines communications and transactions." - Steve Brown.

Marketing automation refers to the process of automating your marketing tasks such as email marketing, social media campaigns, and targeted ads. Marketing automation allows you to reach a larger audience more efficiently and track the results of your efforts so that you can optimize your campaigns for better results. As a result, marketing automation can help you save time and money while increasing your marketing results.

Why is Marketing Automation important for your business?

To run a successful online business in today's competitive market, you need to be using a marketing automation platform. Here are just a few of the many reasons why:

1. Improves Your Efficiency

With marketing automation, you can reach a larger audience more efficiently. In addition, you can set up automated campaigns that will run on their own, saving you time and energy.

  • Automated email campaigns allow you to reach more customers with less effort.
  • Automatic lead capture and tracking help you convert more leads into sales.
  • Tracking tools let you measure your marketing efforts and optimize them for better results.
  • A/B testing allows you to test different versions of your marketing materials to see which performs best.

All of these features help you save time and money, so you can focus on running your business.

2. Helps You Understand Your Customers Better

Marketing automation allows you to collect data about your customers that you can use to improve your marketing processes.

You can track what products they are interested in, how often they visit your site, and what pages they view. This information can help you target them with specific offers and messages that appeal to them.

With marketing automation, you can also create customer profiles, which will give you a better understanding of who your customers are and what they want from you.

This valuable customer data helps you build more effective campaigns and provides a foundation for further improvements to your marketing strategy.

3. Creates a Functional System for Your Marketing Efforts

A sound marketing automation system will help you create a well-functioning marketing machine. It will allow you to keep all of your marketing materials in one place, so you can easily find and use them.

The system should also be easy to update and manage to make changes as needed. Having a well-organized system for your marketing efforts makes it easier to plan and execute successful campaigns.

How can you benefit from Marketing Automation?

"The Aberdeen Group found companies using marketing automation grew their revenue by an average of 14.29% in 2011, compared to the measly 0.06% growth rate of companies not using marketing automation."

Now that you know why marketing automation is essential for your business let's look at how you can benefit from using these marketing tools.

Here are just a few examples:

Increased Leads

You can quickly and easily convert more leads into sales with automated lead capture and tracking.

More Efficient Marketing

Automated campaigns allow you to reach a larger audience with less effort.

Improved Customer Understanding

Marketing automation software allows you to collect data about your customers that you can use to improve your marketing efforts.

Increased ROI

With better targeting and optimized campaigns, you can see a higher return on your investment in marketing automation.

Difference Between Marketing Automation Software and Marketing Automation Platform

Software is a tool you use to do your marketing tasks, while a platform is a complete system that includes all the tools and features you need to automate your marketing tasks. So, if you're looking for a comprehensive solution that will take care of all your marketing needs, you'll want to look for a marketing automation platform. On the other hand, if you're only looking for specific tools or features, then you can get away with using marketing automation software.

How can you get started with your Marketing Automation efforts?

How Can You Get Started With Your Marketing Automation Efforts?

Now that you know how valuable marketing automation can be for your business, it's time to get started. But where do you start? Here are a few tips:

1. Start Small

Don't try to implement everything at once. Instead, start with one or two automated campaigns and add more as you become comfortable with the process.

2. Educate Yourself

Learn as much as you can about automation in marketing so you can make the most of it in your marketing automation strategy. There are plenty of resources available, both online and offline.

3. Get Help

If you're not sure how to get started or need help setting up your campaigns, don't hesitate to ask for help. Many companies offer expert services to serve as your guide to marketing automation.

4. Choose the Right Marketing Automation Tools

Not all marketing automation tools are created equal so make sure you choose the tools that fit your needs and are easy to use. If you're considering implementing automation in your marketing structure, chances are you don't know what to look out for. So here are a few things to keep an eye on when deciding between the various automation tools in today's market:

What's your budget?

You have to determine your marketing budget and how much you're willing to set apart for your marketing automation software. Not all automation tools are ideal for your company. Some tools are designed exclusively for small businesses, while others serve bigger corporations, so you must work closely with your set budget.

What's your business size?

The automation tool you choose should be relative to the size of your business. For example, if you're a small mom-and-pop store, don't go for an automation suite that's designed for huge companies; it'll be too complex and expensive for you. Conversely, if you're a huge company, don't go for a tool that doesn't offer the scalability or features you need.

You also want to make sure whatever marketing automation software you end up choosing has:

  • An intuitive interface - so it won't take long to learn how to use it and get started with campaigns
  • Robust lead management capabilities - including lead capture, scoring, nurturing, and drip marketing
  • Email marketing capabilities - so you can design and send automated email campaigns
  • A/B testing tools - to help you test different versions of your marketing content to see what works best
  • Web tracking and reporting features - so you can track how well your campaigns are performing and measure their ROI

The three most popular marketing automation software suites on the market today are HubSpot, Marketo, and HighLevel. All three have a wide range of features covering everything from lead capture to email marketing to Customer Relationship Management integration. So how do you decide which one is right for you?

Start by evaluating your needs and budget, then ask yourself these questions:

  • How comfortable am I with using technology?
  • How much lead generation and nurturing do I need to do?
  • How many emails do I want to be able to send per month?
  • What kind of reports and tracking do I need?

After answering these questions, you should know which marketing automation tool is best for you. If you're still unsure, don't hesitate to reach out to the vendors themselves or consult with an expert.

Successful Examples of Marketing Automation

Many successful companies have implemented marketing automation into their business strategies. Here are a few examples:

  • Hubspot

HubSpot is a company that sells inbound marketing software. They use marketing automation to attract new leads, convert them into customers, and measure the results of their campaigns. As a result, they've grown from a small startup to one of the world's leading providers of inbound marketing software.

  • Zendesk

Zendesk is a customer service software company that uses marketing automation to drive website traffic and increase conversions. As a result, they've seen an 80% increase in website conversion rates and a 400% increase in leads generated from their website.

  • Nord VPN

Nord VPN is a company that provides online security and privacy services. They use marketing automation to increase website traffic, generate leads, and retain customers. As a result, they've seen an increase in sales of over 1000%.

Marketing Automation Software Can Revolutionize Your Business

Now that you know all about marketing automation and what it can do for your business, there's no reason not to give it a try. Implementing even primary automated marketing campaigns can increase your ROI and help take your business to the next level. So what are you waiting for? Start automating and see the results for yourself! Want to learn more about how marketing automation can improve your ROI? Read all about it on The Golden Toilet!

Stop Flushing Your Marketing Budget Down The Toilet

Get a copy of The Golden Toilet today and learn how you can create sales and marketing automation systems that will help grow your business.