
How The StoryBrand Workshop Can Upgrade Your Team

Written by Steve Brown | Apr 27, 2022 9:56:08 PM

The StoryBrand workshop teaches you ways that can help your marketing efforts. Things like developing a BrandScript or implementing marketing campaigns. This workshop is something you should consider if you're looking for a way to improve your marketing team and make marketing easier for everyone in your company.

You might have heard about StoryBrand from the bestselling book by Donald Miller. Hundreds of companies around the world also use Miller's StoryBrand Framework in the brand messaging.


Donald Miller understood the importance of clarity in crafting a marketing message. In his StoryBrand Marketing Framework, he discusses how a story can capture your customer's focus, which makes most of your marketing processes easier.

Since he launched his book, Building a StoryBrand, it has been applied by big companies, nonprofit organizations, and even simple small businesses. To bring the benefits of the StoryBrand Framework into the whole company, Donald Miller started organizing the StoryBrand Marketing Workshop, which helped companies achieve marketing success and solve internal problems.

How It Improves Internal Communication

StoryBrand operates under a simple mantra, "If you confuse, you lose". You can apply this to your marketing copy, and your communication lines within your company. Confusion results in lower productivity, disengagement of employees, and less than stellar contributions. The StoryBrand Workshop teaches intentional communication strategies to improve internal communication.

The StoryBrand Workshop is the perfect place to bring your team members together to learn how you should communicate with customers, prospects, and within your organization. It shows you and your employees how the StoryBrand Framework affects, not only your brand's impression but how you should see the value of everyone working within your company.

The Workshop Helps You Find Ways to Improve Company Meetings.

It helps your team focus on company expectations and goals, establishes a moderator that can keep the conversation focused, and engages all participants to contribute.

Most companies want to be good at communicating what they really do.

They try to communicate on their website, on their blog, on social media channels like Facebook and Twitter, and in email marketing campaigns. They know that understanding is the first step toward buying from them or investing in their stock.

This workshop helps clear up some of the misconceptions surrounding your company and why you do what you do (and how well it's working). The workshop ensures that everyone is telling a consistent story with every tactic used within your organization.

It also helps employees learn better communication habits while reinforcing leadership's expectations for pitching the product or service being delivered by the entire organization.

As a business leader who wants to be more productive, you want to articulate what your meetings are all about. The workshop will teach you the importance of keeping the conversation focused and encourage everyone in attendance to engage in a productive dialogue that moves your brand forward.

There are too many useless meetings happening to thousands of companies every day. Research shows that executives spend 23 hours a week in meetings - that's two months a year! 

By learning how to simplify your messages, your meetings can be more productive, and most importantly, brief.

What Are Some of Storybrand Workshop's Biggest Benefits?

Internally, it gives your team more time to do the work that matters. In a world where people are overwhelmed with information, you need to learn how to cut through the noise and write emails that make actionable points. The StoryBrand Framework is not about being brief for brevity's sake, but making sure your message has a purpose. This workshop saves your team from time-wasting emails by helping you communicate with clarity.

The average employee spends 40% of their workweek on internal emails that don't add value. Your most important communication tool is email, so you need to learn how to use it effectively if you want to make a real impact. How can your team create more effective brand messaging if

The workshop helps your employees communicate more effectively. Apart from simplifying your brand message, they'll learn to write emails that are under five lines that deliver concise points and encourage important action. If you can get people's attention, there is no limit to the influence you can have on them. During this time of year when everyone is thinking about resolutions, it is helpful for both managers and teams to learn how they can become better communicators.

Lack of communication leads to miscommunication and regret. After all, what good does it do anyone if your words don't match what you meant?

There was a time when you could say anything to your staff and it would be fine.  If you told an employee to jump, they'd jump. But lately, the conversation has been different. They don't always respond in the way you want or expect them to. It's not that employees are difficult or obstinate, it's just that they've been conditioned by something called "email culture" and their counterparts overseas who only speak via email and have no interest in speaking on the phone or face-to-face.

StoryBrand gives your team a voice by asking only the important questions. It provides you with templates and strategies to make sure those messages are communicated consistently and transparently throughout your organization.

How Can It Improve My Marketing Team?

The StoryBrand Workshop has helped marketing teams all over the world. It empowers your team to stay on track by giving them an understanding of how to communicate more effectively with your customer. It does more than help your team create effective marketing materials.

This workshop makes sure that your team gives customers the same message each and every time they interact with your business. What's more, everyone will know how to do this effectively and easily.

Plus, it makes collaborative work easier for teams these days.

With remote work being more common, it's getting more difficult to keep everyone on the same page. Sure, collaboration tools like Slack or TeamWork are designed to make it easier, but when your team's communication skills are not at the same level, bringing out the right contributions from everyone can be tricky.

This workshop gives everyone on your team a clear understanding of how they fit right into your organization and their role to keep the customers happy. It ensures that not only will every member of your team say the same thing, but they'll be able to communicate it easily and effectively, which is vital for any marketing team.

Whether your team works from home or in an office, a clear method of communication ensures that every member is on the same page and doing what they’re supposed to.

This workshop will help you build an internal communication system that actually works and seamlessly unites your team so they can work more efficiently and productively.

This workshop sharpens your marketing team's external messaging ability. It ensures that everyone is on the same page so all of them know what they’re doing. It allows for effective internal communication to improve every member's productivity and job satisfaction.

Clear messages help create trust within the company which makes for better teamwork overall, improving your marketing team's effectiveness. The secret behind smooth internal communication paths is a clear message, and that's what StoryBrand is all about.

Why Should You Consider This Workshop for Your Marketing Team?

Almost every department in your company can learn important principles in the StoryBrand Workshop. It works because every participant is encouraged to do the work. It's not just a simple gathering where you listen to talks all day. It's a workshop in every sense of the word - it's where you work and talk shop, participation means you have to show up and contribute.

Your marketing team will learn how to focus their efforts on creating clear messages for your customers. This is vital to your company's success. In fact, I bet you've heard this quote before:

"It's not just enough to have a great product or service… You have to tell a great story." – Seth Godin

In StoryBrand terms, that means your marketing story must be clear and simple for your customers. It's something we see in successful companies like Apple and Chick-fil-A (just two examples of many). Your customers don't care about your products or services as much as they care about their problems and how those problems could be solved with what you do.

Imagine the progress you can make as a business if all departments work together by creating one unified message to support your company's vision.

Executives who understand the importance of the StoryBrand Framework have a chance to lead better through effective communication, and they can understand the process as well.  They can utilize simple language to help your company's leaders make decisions and execute their vision more effectively. Plus, the right support from the top is often enough to bring an idea into reality.

People from sales can also benefit from having a simplified approach. They can tweak their sales letters to make them more appealing. The workshop can also teach them to create elevator pitches that make it easier for customers to move forward with your company.

This may sound like a reach, but even people from your Human Resources can benefit from the StoryBrand Workshop. HR professionals can learn how to explain the company's values and make it easy for new people to fit into the company. It's another way to help people work as a team and move forward together. Plus, the Workshop has lessons that apply to anyone who wants to improve their communication skills.

Since it first launched, StoryBrand has imparted a lot about how companies win through unified messaging. We've seen purpose-driven businesses create effective teams and inspire great change by using simple language and clear messaging. That's why we believe every company has something they should learn from the StoryBrand Workshop. It's accessible to everyone in your organization, not just your marketing department, and it can take your business to new heights by helping you communicate more clearly with customers and within your own walls.

How Does ROI Online Use StoryBrand to Help Our Clients Get Better Results?

ROI Online was one of the original StoryBrand-certified agencies and we've even hosted many StoryBrand workshops. The StoryBrand Framework is just one aspect of our business. We can also help you automate your marketing efforts so you can focus on what you do best. Book your team's workshop today by clicking the button below.

And if you want to buy a StoryBrand website in 90 days, download our StoryBrand QuickStart Plan. You'll learn how we merge storybrand, HubSpot, and all other aspects.

Click here for more valuable information!