
How To Sell Your Boss On Hiring A Marketing Agency

Written by Steve Brown | Sep 13, 2016 4:32:45 PM

Bosses can be scary, especially when your request involves spending money.

However, you know that you have to do something different when it comes to your company's marketing. To keep the business growing, you need to reach more people. 

Whether it's better positioning your company's message or engaging the customer with your brand, you determine that bringing in an outside digital marketing agency is the answer. But, how do you convince your boss to spend money on hiring an outside agency when he thinks you can do it all?


Challenging The Status Quo

If your business is like most others, you have developed a set way of doing certain things. The accounts receivable are sent out on a certain day each month. The boss throws the company Christmas party two weeks before the holiday, every year, like clockwork. The marketing is done using in-house talent, not outside help.

Traditions and habits are some of the most difficult things to overcome, especially when your boss is resistant to almost all change. However, you know hiring a digital marketing agency is what you need to do.

Your best option is to prepare a well thought-out presentation on why your company needs to hire a marketing agency.

Points To Cover In Your Presentation

Wipe the sweat off your face and steady your hands. You've done your research and produced an in-depth presentation. You can do this! 

Point 1

The first way to challenge the status quo is to boil it down to cost. Hiring a new marketing professional could cost the company $100,000 or more with salary, insurance, taxes, hiring costs, training and auxiliary expenses. For that same amount of money, you could hire a digital marketing agency for a full online campaign that can bring far more talent to the table than a single marketing professional.

Point 2

Another point to bring up is the return on investment you get with hiring a marketing agency that knows how to implement an inbound marketing campaign. How much is the company currently paying for traditional marketing channels?

It costs quite a bit of money for TV ads, radio commercials, newspaper ads, and direct mail campaigns. The cost of hiring an agency and running a full online campaign is usually a fraction of that cost, and gives a return that is as good as the traditional or even better.

Point 3

A third point to offer your boss is the flexibility of using a digital agency. You can use them exclusively for special projects, or you can hire them to handle day-to-day marketing needs. You can expand their role or contract it as needs and budget change. 

If That Doesn't Work...

If your boss is still resistant to change after reviewing those points, you have a final option to bring to the table: Invite someone from the digital marketing agency to come in and talk with your boss. That person can make a focused pitch designed to address your company's specific marketing challenges. If an in-person visit is difficult, even a simple call can make a difference.

Don't let potential resistance from the boss deter you from exploring the services that a digital marketing agency can bring to your company. The marketing world is changing and your company may be in need of a knowledgeable guide, like ROI Online!

Get in touch with us today and see how we can help you convince the boss and improve your marketing strategies together.

Need more proof? Take a look at our case studies and see how our clients' have turned their marketing around!