
Is Bad Design Ruining Your Content (And Vice Versa)?

Written by Gabe Sappenfield | Aug 20, 2019 12:33:00 PM

Graphic designers tend to trick themselves into believing good design is all that matters. But that simply isn’t true!

Although good design IS important, it can’t save bad content.

If the content you pair with your design is boring, confusing, doesn’t tell a story and isn’t targeted to your audience, you’re wasting your time.


And the same is true for content creators! If the design and imagery you use are boring, confusing, don't connect with your audience or do not optimize to your audience’s viewing device, you also are wasting your time.

The key is to put equal importance on design and content. Take the time and energy to fully craft and polish your content AND spend time creating a design that tells a story, resonates with your audience and most importantly passes the grunt test.



What in the world is a grunt test, you ask?
Good question!

In order for your website or marketing materials to pass the grunt test, a proverbial caveman would need to be able to “grunt” the message you are trying to communicate. your message. In other words, your message but be clear and simple.

If your message is “gruntable,” good for you! You passed! If your message failed the grunt test, then you have some work to do.

Learn more about the grunt test by signing up for the StoryBrand online course. 

Follow these tips to ensure you create a great-looking/sounding piece that passes the grunt test. 

Clarity Is The New Creative

Content: Keep it simple. Avoid using big words, analogies and lengthy descriptions. Find the most obvious way to convey your message, and do that.

Graphics: Bells, whistles, flashes and slideshows are all useless if they end up distracting your audience from the true message. Boil your design down, keep it clear and simple, highlight what’s important and establish a hierarchy.  


Mind The Knowledge Gap