
Money Can’t Buy You Love, But it CAN Sure Buy You Twitter Followers!

Written by Steve Brown | May 9, 2013 12:45:00 PM

Money Can’t Buy You Love, But it CAN Sure Buy You Twitter Followers!

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

From only 133 tweets, this Twitter user has garnered 9867 followers. Wow! This user gains an average of 74 followers per tweet. But wait, if you look at the thought leaders on Twitter like Avinash Kaushik at Google, he has tweeted 12,076 times and has a mere 101,334 followers.  Based on these numbers, Avinash gains an average of only 8 followers for every tweet. Something smells doesn’t it?


Internet Marketing is Not Easy. There is No Shortcut.

It would appear that the above Twitter user is purchasing followers. The problem with the above example is, he just doesn’t want to do the hard work it takes to be effective with internet marketing. You have to publish good stuff that people love to read, watch, like, follow, and share. There is no shortcut with internet marketing. You can certainly give the appearance of success but it is easily revealed to be a sham.  What good is there in purchasing a bunch of followers for your Twitter account when you don’t really have anything to say that is interesting or useful? Customers, fans, and supporters will catch on to insincerity and deception after a while and move on to support companies and organizations they feel are genuine and trustworthy.



Trustworthy, genuine, accurate, and reliable are the words used to define the word Authenticity in the dictionary. This is exactly what consumers are craving from the brands they support. You can buy followers but you can’t buy their love. You have to earn it.

What message does it send when you have to buy Twitter followers? Authenticity?

I think not.