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How To Turn Your Brand Into The Ultimate Business

Are you looking to take your business to the next level? If so, you may want to consider using a StoryBrand framework in conjunction with HubSpot. In this blog post, we'll explore how to turn your brand into the ultimate business powerhouse using these two tools. So if you're ready to take your brand to new heights, keep reading! 

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What Exactly Is A Brand?

Well, think of it as the soul of your business. It's not just your brand logo or your fancy website; it's the entire experience and perception people have of your company, not just your existing customers. Your brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room. It's the emotional connection you build with your customers.

What Is Brand Identity?

Picture it as the visual and tangible elements that represent your brand identity. It's the visual design, the colors, the fonts, and, yes, the brand's logo. It's the consistent look and feel that helps people recognize your brand identity instantly. It's like your brand's wardrobe – the way it dresses up and presents itself to the world.

A short rant about brand identity.

When businesses get into brand building, they often think about creating brand guidelines that outline the colors and shapes that should be strictly applied in their marketing materials. A strong brand identity goes beyond a brand logo. Brand building should define brand identity in a more well-rounded way. The brand personality is not just about the look. It's the experience people have with your business that makes it a memorable brand. That was a bit of a rant. Let's get back to it.

What Is Brand Voice?

Imagine your brand as a person, and the brand voice is its unique way of speaking and communicating. It's the tone, language, and personality your brand adopts when engaging with your audience. Are you casual and conversational, or formal and authoritative? Your brand voice should align with your target audience and reflect the values and character of your brand.

What Makes A Successful Brand?

Well, my friend, it's a mix of several ingredients. First and foremost, it's about building trust and delivering value to your customers consistently. You want your customers to have a positive experience every time they interact with your brand.

A successful brand is also clear about its purpose and values. It knows what it stands for and isn't afraid to show it. When you stay true to your brand's core, it resonates with your audience and creates a loyal following.

And let's not forget differentiation. In a sea of competitors, your brand identity finds its own unique angle. It stands out by offering something special, whether it's a unique product, exceptional service, or a distinctive brand personality. You want to be the purple cow in a field of brown cows, my friend.

Lastly, successful brands know how to adapt and evolve. They keep a pulse on their customers' needs and the changing landscape. They're not afraid to embrace new technologies, shift their strategies, or experiment with fresh ideas. Your brand identity should always be looking forward and staying relevant.

When it comes to creating a powerful brand, StoryBrand and HubSpot can work together like peanut butter and jelly.  StoryBrand helps to fine-tune your marketing message, while HubSpot provides the tools you need to take that message online. The combination of these two tools can turn any business into an industry leader.

One of the biggest advantages of using StoryBrand and HubSpot together is that it makes digital marketing easier than ever before. HubSpot is packed with features that can help you reach more customers, and StoryBrand provides the guidance you need to make sure your marketing efforts are on track. With both of these tools in your arsenal, you'll be able to dominate your competition

Before we dive into how you can use both StoryBrand and HubSpot to your business's advantage, let's define each one separately so we can gain a better understanding of their features and how you can harness the power of both in turning your brand into the ultimate business.

What Is StoryBrand?

StoryBrand is a marketing strategy company that helps businesses create and deliver clear, concise messaging to their customers. StoryBrand has helped thousands of businesses reach more customers through the StoryBrand Framework. StoryBrand founder and CEO, Donald Miller, outlined his game-changing marketing approach in his book, Building a StoryBrand.

Since the book's launching in 2017, Miller and StoryBrand have helped thousands of businesses engage more customers with compelling and clear marketing messages. The secret behind StoryBrand's success is simplicity. 

You encounter up to 10,000 ads every day. In this deluge of marketing information, your brain has developed the skill to ignore the messages that won't help you thrive and survive. The StoryBrand Framework can help your business cut through the noise by making your marketing messages simpler. It takes the pressure out of your company to please everyone by creating messages made especially for the people you serve. With the StoryBrand Framework, you get to show up in front of your people with a message they're looking for, making your brand an undeniable standout - the answer to the problems they've been living with.

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What Is HubSpot?

HubSpot is your one-stop digital marketing and CRM platform that helps your business scale online by attracting visitors to your website, converting leads, closing customers, and helping you build your brand's presence online. With HubSpot, you can do inbound marketing, sales, customer service, and so much more. Its lineup of digital marketing tools is one of the best in the world, so you can never expect it to come cheap!  

What If HubSpot Is Not Within My Budget?

If you're a big company looking to scale even further, HubSpot's $1200 Enterprise plan is definitely worth every penny. But if you're a small business just trying to get yourself noticed in your area, HubSpot's pricing might be a bit steep.

There are awesome digital marketing tools out there like GrowthStack CRM that offer the same features as HubSpot without the enterprise-sized price tag. You can still create sales and marketing automation systems, bring your business out there, and apply the principles of StoryBrand to take your brand's message to the next level.

Thanks to tools like HubSpot and GrowthStack CRM, businesses of all sizes can focus on their core product or service and automate the rest of the process.

The Synergy: Delight Customers With Answers and Results

Both HubSpot and StoryBrand agree that great businesses are like airplanes. The cockpit is your leadership, the rest of the company is the overhead, the right engine is your marketing, the left engine is your sales team, the wings are your products, and the fuel that keeps the plane in flight is the cashflow. When you have all the parts installed and running correctly, your brand can fly far and fast.

A clear and compelling story is nothing if no one can see it. HubSpot makes sure that your marketing collateral gets in front of your target market, backed by a branded customer experience that will help them go deeper into the buyer's journey.

Many people think that creating a website is enough for you to create a digital presence. The truth is, a website is just one part of your marketing arsenal. If you want to reach new customers, you have to show up where they are. With the use of powerful tools like HubSpot and StoryBrand, you can keep your sales processes active, drive in more sales, and turn your brand to elite levels.

In the simplest sense, the key to reaching more prospects is all about giving them answers and results.

Every time they're scrolling through their phones, laptops, desktops, or other devices, prospects are in search of a solution. You have to show up with the perfect combination of answers and results to turn potential customers into regulars.

Let's explore some of HubSpot's most popular tools and see how StoryBrand can help elevate them.

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Show Up In Front of Your Customers With HubSpot's SEO Tools

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can help increase your visibility on popular search engines like Google and Bing. It does pay to be the first brand customers see in the search engine results pages (SERPs), but with StoryBrand, you can take it even a notch higher.

You only have seconds to make an impact on your prospects, especially when you're one of literally millions of results on a SERP. StoryBrand helps you come up with a simple message that immediately makes sense to your customers. Beyond buyer personas, it brings the answers and results your customers want to see right in front of them.

Build Lasting Relationships With Your Customers With Inbound Marketing

One of the best ways to build a throng of loyal customers and true fans is to provide a complete, on-brand experience for the people you serve. HubSpot's inbound marketing tools can help you do just that.

Inbound marketing is all about helping people. HubSpot helps you reach your customers and give them easy access to the next step they need to take to achieve success and get the solutions they want. It's as much a mentality as it is a business strategy. StoryBrand elevates HubSpot's marketing tools by helping you communicate the next steps better.

The StoryBrand Framework teaches us about the 3-step plan, a way to clearly communicate what your customer needs to do to succeed. Combine the inbound methods of HubSpot with StoryBrand's unique way of creating 3-step plans, and you're on your way to building a lasting relationship with your customers.

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Email Marketing: The Most Cost-Efficient Way To Connect With Your Customers

Email marketing is still one of the best investments you can make for your business. It can help increase your bottom line, drive more visits to your website, and ultimately increase sales. HubSpot's email marketing tools make automation a lot easier and it works well with all the other email marketing tools you've invested in. Together with StoryBrand, you can make sure your emails don't get thrown into the Spam folder. When you show up with the exact message your customers want to read from your brand, your open rate increases. This synergy manifests itself through higher sales and better customer interaction.

These are just some of the ways you can elevate your digital marketing efforts by combining both HubSpot and StoryBrand. As we mentioned before, HubSpot's pricing might be a bit expensive, especially for small and medium-sized businesses, but you can always use tools like GrowthStack CRM to get started on your digital marketing without breaking the bank. You'll enjoy the same benefits and a big difference in your savings. That's money you can use to upgrade a different aspect of your business!

Get Started On Your Digital Marketing Even Without a Sales Team

What turns your brand into the ultimate business is your drive to serve your customers. If you're relentless about showing up for people you want to serve, all you need to do is to pick the right tools to help you in your journey. Tools like HubSpot and GrowthStack CRM make marketing so easy, that you don't even need a sales team to get started. Add StoryBrand into the mix, and you have an automated marketing strategy shaped specifically for your target market.

Start fine-tuning your marketing today by joining the next StoryBrand workshop.

In this workshop, you get to work with a StoryBrand Guide that will help you create simple, easy-to-understand, and more engaging marketing messages that will capture your customer's attention. You don't have to drown in the noise of a million ads passing by your customers at the speed of light. Show up for them with the right message, and guide them into the solutions they need.

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