
The Power Of Video Marketing: My Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Story

Written by Jim Syphokham | May 31, 2019 8:06:47 PM

Has your company been having trouble bringing in new customers, signing up new clients, or selling your product?  

If your answer is yes and you haven’t been creating branded video content for your company, you should. Just look at the countless metrics showing that the majority of consumers make purchases after watching branded social videos.


Is it really worth it?

Despite this, many companies are still reluctant to start. They have convinced themselves that video marketing is:

  • Too time-consuming
  • Too difficult to learn and implement
  • Too expensive to produce

While some of these concerns might have been true years ago, they no longer apply today. Practically everyone and their grandmother now possess the physical tools and technologies needed to start creating branded video content today.

Your smartphone and the multitude of apps available on it offer affordable, easy-to-use, convenient ways to start implementing a video marketing strategy right now.

Case in point, a few months ago I was in search of a new place to workout. I’ve done the whole weight lifting thing for several years, but it was getting stale and I was in search of something new.  After meeting Luke Summerfield, a HubSpot leader and Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioner, and reading “The Resilience Booklet” by Brian Fleming, I decided to do some research on local Brazilian Jiu jitsu schools in hopes of finding a new school to learn how to take up jiu-jitsu.

The video wasn’t a super elaborate, Hollywood edited movie production.  The video was shot with one of the instructor's phones. They didn’t write out long, time-consuming scripts, and the production team consisted of the instructor and one student.  

But it spoke to all of the internal struggles that I and many others have when choosing a new gym, a new car, or any other major purchases or investments.

The instructor asked the student to detail their motivations for wanting to learn the art of jiu-jitsu, what the student would say to encourage someone new to the art, what their struggles are, and how they’re overcoming them through learning jiu-jitsu.

I saw this video and I was intrigued. So, I started to consume more of the videos that this school would post. They would share videos every weekday at 1:00 PM right after their lunchtime class, using the same format each time. The videos were so effective at answering the internal questions that I needed help solving that I eventually decided to drive up to the gym and check it out. I was extremely anxious, but five minutes after I stepped foot in their doors, I signed up.

Why Lone Star Academy’s Marketing Videos Worked

Not all video marketing strategies are effective. Some businesses spend hundreds of thousands on crisp videos with professional lighting but fail to earn back a single penny of that investment.

Here’s what made Lone Star Academy’s strategy different.

1. They were consistent.  

I knew when a brand new video was going to be released, and there was a level of anticipation that developed over time.

2. They spoke to the internal struggles of their potential students and customers.  

They didn’t try to put on an “Avengers” level production to show off how cool they are with each video (although if you have the time and budget this wouldn’t hurt), but rather they used their time to share their students’ thoughts and perspectives.

They essentially put themselves in the role of guides who are helping their students along their personal journeys, working the StoryBrand methodology into their video strategy.

3. They increased their credibility by sharing real student testimonials in a medium to long-form video.  

Anyone can write an anonymous testimonial about a company, but actually seeing and hearing a real student or customer detail their experience in a longer form video is much more impactful.

4. They included calls-to-action at the end of almost every single video without coming off as pushy or salesy.  

I knew exactly where I needed to go and what number I needed to call to visit the school, but I didn’t feel like I was being sold anything. The decision was all my own.

5. They responded to nearly every comment that was left in the comment section of each video.  

This meant that anyone who left comments, including me, became familiar with their team even before we ever step foot inside the school.

Create A Video Strategy That Actually Drives Leads

Implementing a video marketing strategy for your company doesn’t have to be time-consuming, difficult, or expensive. With tools like your smartphone, Instagram Stories, YouTube, Facebook Live and many others, you can affordably and effectively incorporate video into your marketing efforts and see some incredible results in your company’s growth.

Need help creating a video plan that aligns with your marketing and sales goals? Let’s team up. Our StoryBrand certified guides can you make videos that connect with your audience on a deeper level (while converting them into paying customers).

You can also download our free Facebook Live guide for easy, practical tips you can use to create videos just like Lone Star Academy.