
Why Getting Up 15 Minutes Earlier Will Change Your Life

Written by Drew Belle Elsey | Jan 29, 2016 4:00:00 PM

If someone were to ask you to get up 15 minutes early each day, how would you respond? Would you scoff and expound on the necessity of snooze time? Would you roll your eyes and go back to sleep?


A few days ago, I certainly would have. But then I decided to get up 15 minutes early. I wanted to catch up work that had backed up while I was imbibing on my weeklong Caribbean vacation. Then I did it the next day, and the day after that, and so forth. It was like giving up caffeine. The first few days, I felt like a Mack truck hit me. But the fog and grog eventually cleared.

Don’t fetter yourself to your snooze button. When you break free, you’ll realize how much you can accomplish in just 15 minutes. Transform your morning routine with these eight AM hacks.


Do yoga.

How many times has your mother told you to slow down, to take a deep breath and appreciate what you have? Taking a few minutes to stretch, meditate and exhale all your anxiety will help ensure you start you day off on the right foot and state of mind.

Check out these easy 5 yoga poses you can do in the morning.


Read the news.

The Kardashians are not news! I repeat, the Kardashians are not news! Enlighten yourself by reading an actual news story. Discover what is happening in your community, your state, your country and the world! It may not all be Botox and big butts, but it’s time you got acquainted with the world you live in.

Too busy? Try theSkimm or The Daily Beast Cheat Sheet for condensed versions of the top stories.


Get to work early.

Arrive to work a few minutes before schedule. You don’t always have to get a head start on your day’s obligations. Clean up your desk, read the news ↑↑↑ or surprise your office fam with breakfast ↓↓↓.


Make breakfast.

I don’t have to remind you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Take those added minutes to make yourself a hearty breakfast that will help you conquer the day. No one likes a hangry person. 

Be sure to make yourself a nutritious meal. Doughnuts may be a fried piece of paradise, but they won't power you through the morning. Here are 5 fast, healthy breakfasts you can whip up instead. 


Have a cup of coffee with your partner or roommate.

Spend some quality time with your partner or roommate. Depending on your schedule, you may not get to see your significant other or friend until the end of the day or the next morning. Catch up with them over a cup of joe and send them off with a kiss (*this is not recommended for roommates).


Walk your dog.

If you have a furry friend, take him or her out for a brisk morning stroll. You can burn calories and bond with your BDF.


Spend more time in front of the mirror.

You’ve heard the saying, “dress for success?” When you put effort into your appearance, you feel better about yourself. You’re confident and ready to seize the day. Nobody who's worn gray T-shirts, jeans and sneakers to work has become a billionaire...


First day back after paternity leave. What should I wear?

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Monday, 25 January 2016 


Enjoy your commute.

Speeding is dangerous, kids, and can be expensive. Depending on where you live, your commute could easily make up a large chunk of your day. Slow down, listen to your favorite podcast and soak up the sunrise on your way to your daily grind. 

Rising and shining 15 minutes early can make your entire day more productive and meaningful. It’s just 15 minutes! But ask me to get up 30 minutes early, and you’ll get the look…

What would you do with an extra 15 minutes in the morning? Tell us in the comments section below!