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Before Your Call: A Few Things You Should Know

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Thanks so much for agreeing to be a guest on the ROI Online Podcast! I’m pumped to interview you.

I Want Unlimited Warm Leads!

The ROI Online Podcast is all about sharing your story with the world (and showing badass entrepreneurs just like you that they can get results from their marketing).

Before the call we recommend listening to a couple of episodes of the podcast to get a feel for Steve and the usual topics we discuss.

You should have received a calendar invite for our chat. There will be a Zoom link in the invite for the actual call so you can access that the day of. If it’s cool with you, I would love to record the video of the interview so I can share it on YouTube.

Here are some tips to follow to make your interview as smooth as pudding:

Before the call

  • Log in using Chrome or Firefox on a non-private, non-incognito window
  • For the best quality audio, use an external USB mic (the Blue Snowball Ice mic is my personal favorite). If you don’t have a mic, use high-quality headphones with a built-in mic. I also recommend the Logitech USB Headset H390 mid-level alternative
  • For the best quality video, use an external USB camera (the Logitech C920 HD Pro Webcam is what I use and enjoy), the webcam on your computer will also work as well.
  • Wear headphones/earbuds so we don’t get an echo
  • Let me know if you would like a little tech help or quick test drive before the episode
  • Turn off all distractions and potentially loud noises
    • Computer Notifications
    • Cell Phone
    • Air Conditioner/ Heater
    • Keep your pets still and tell them you’ll play later
  • Use the restroom and grab a glass of water
  • Place yourself in a comfortable and quiet environment free from loud noises.
  • Review your software and run tests to make sure your MIC and Speakers are working properly
  • Pull up the information you would like to reference during your podcast on your computer ahead of time

Once you’ve joined the call

    • Review the overview with Steve to help synergize the vision and goals of the podcast
    • Let Steve know of the offers you would like to share with the podcast audience
    • Most importantly, be sure to have fun.

If you have any questions, let me know. I’m excited to talk with you and share your story with the world!

I Want Unlimited Warm Leads!

Topics: notes