The ROI Online Podcast

Can I Sell My Business Without A Broker?

Written by Steve Brown | May 3, 2021 10:44:59 PM

Selling a business without the assistance of an experienced broker can leave hundreds of thousands of dollars of your money on the table.

Why would you try to sell your most valuable asset when you have zero experience in selling businesses?


If you are considering selling a business without a broker here are some things you need to consider:

  • Can you properly evaluate the monetary value of your business?
  • Can you find buyers? Will you be able to find multiple buyers for your business?
  • Will you be able to keep the transaction confidential? Will you be able to market the business to find buyers?
  • How are you going to get multiple buyers?
  • How are you going to create a bidding war, identify those synergies, and build economies of scale for the buyer so that they can decrease overhead and increase EBITDA?
  • How are you going to get 65% higher sales price on your business versus what it was appraised for?

Often, these are the unseen pitfalls an entrepreneur fails to consider when going into selling their business. If you have no experience when it comes to selling a business, it's extremely beneficial to consider hiring a broker. In the long run, the cost of hiring a broker is far lower than the unseen costs of selling your business yourself and failing to maximize the deal because of factors you were not aware of.

You have put years of work into building a valuable asset. Don't leave your hard-earned money on the table by avoiding hiring a broker for your business.

Interested in learning more about how much your business is worth? Head over to Michelle's website for a free business valuation

Know what your business is worth, but don't know how to market it? Then we have the perfect book for you. Check out the Golden Toilet Below. This book will teach you how to implement a real system that fuels marketing that connects to the audience you are trying to reach.